Seint Makeup for Busy Moms 2
Let’s get you Started!

I am excited to help you start your journey with Seint Makeup! If you want to dive right in you can click the link below to get your FREE Color Match from me.  Just fill out the form (2 min) and follow the directions to send me a selfie!

Start My Free Color Match!

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Makeup Mama

Seint Artist Program 2
Click to join my private VIP Facebook Page to Learn More!

Have you ever been interested in learning more about the Seint Artist program? Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work as a Seint Artist? In this piece, I’ll lay down all you need to know about the Seint Artist program. I’ve adored being a Seint artist, and I’m excited to tell you more about this incredible program.

I bet you didn’t know this about the Seint Artist program…

Did you know that the Seint Artist Program allows you to get free makeup, earn 20-40% commission on every sale you make, get a discount on their items, and develop a team (but only if you want to!). You can also earn additional incentives from your team’s purchases. There are no monthly quotas, no sales minimums, and no inventory requirements! The Seint Artist Program was created to help women supplement their monthly income – or even replace it – in a fun, sustainable, and family-friendly way, with products you can stand behind, a generous reward structure, and no pressure to hit set numbers on a regular basis.

Seint Artist Program 1
Click to join my private VIP Facebook Page to Learn More!

“At [Seint], we truly believe that we can have our cake and eat it too. But what does that really mean? It means you don’t have to choose between financially supporting your family and spending time with them. It means you don’t have to choose between helping yourself or helping others. With a little creativity, optimism, and hard work, you can have it all.”

– Cara Killpack, CEO

Benefits of the Seint Artist Program

  • Earn 20%-40% commission on all sales!
  • You do not have to carry any inventory!
  • Your own personal branded Seint Website!
  • A supportive artist community and training!
  • Free makeup from your sales for all artists!
  • Team building is completely optional (although recommended). If an artist does decide to build a team, the artist can earn an additional 2%-15% off of their team’s sales!
  • Run your whole business from your phone!
  • Seint will handle all shipping, customer returns, and customer service!
  • Life-time customers – when a customer sets up an account using the link to an artist’s replicated Seint website, the customer’s Seint account gets linked to that artist, so any future purchases by that customer are automatically credited to that artist!
  • No monthly minimums in sales or number of posts required!
  • Artists receive a discount on Seint products!

Seint’s unique approach to their direct selling business ensures that the Seint Artist Program will truly make a difference in the lives of their artists and the customers that they serve!

After you sign up with me, I will personally teach and train you so that you can achieve any level of success you desire! It’s also entirely acceptable if you’re simply here for the friendships and a little additional play money. Whatever your artistic aspirations are, I will be delighted to welcome you to the team with open arms.

After you’ve enrolled with me, you’ll be able to choose your artist kit. The Basic Kit and the Pro Kit are the two alternatives available in the United States. If you live in Canada, however, the Basic Kit will be your only option. Here are the two kits available to you.

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Seint Artist Basic Kit

Seint Artist Pro Kit

Purchase the Artist Kit Now and Become an Artist!

Once you purchase your kit, you are officially an artist for Seint! Congrats! You will love this journey. If you sign up under me, be on the lookout for information regarding the pieces of training I have for everyone on my team!

How are Seint Artists compensated?

Seint has a comprehensive compensation model in place that allows Independent Artists to earn anywhere from 20% to 40% on every Seint product they sell. And the more you sell in a month, the larger your commission on those transactions will be!

Every Friday, regardless of what happens, you will earn your base 20% commission from the previous week’s sales. It makes no difference how much you sold or how long it has been since you last sold. Every purchase made through your cloned site will earn you a 20% commission as an artist. That 20% will be given to you on the following week’s Friday.

On the 10th of each month, you may also receive a bonus check. Any commissions you received over the base 20% already given to you are included in this bonus check. This bonus will be in the range of 5% to 20% of your total sales for the preceding month. It’s based on how much you sold the month before. As a result, the more you sell, the larger your commission will be!

Bonuses for the team will be included in the bonus check due on the 10th. You can earn team incentives by selling to people who are joined up somewhere below you in the organization. These bonuses can range anywhere from 2% to 15%, and they can soon pile up!

Team building is completely optional. However, it is highly encouraged and recommended! And this is because team building facilitates a more passive stream of income, which translates into more money in your pocket! But besides just the financial benefits that come from building a team, you also get the the opportunity to impact the lives of other women and their families. In a company like Seint, a bigger paycheck means you’ve had an even bigger impact.

Click to join my private VIP Facebook Page to Learn More!

Fee’s Associated with Being an Artist

A monthly fee of $12.95 US | $15.95 CAD is required. This charge can be set up to be paid automatically. It’s used to keep your Seint website replicated up to date. Customers can buy directly from you thanks to your mirrored site. It also allows you access to your back office (client list, orders, parties, team members, and so on) to help you stay organized and run your business more efficiently.

This fee also covers the Seint Artist App as well as having corporate manage all customer care, shipping, and handling, among other things.

There are no additional fees, costs, or expenses directly related with becoming a Seint Artist except from this tiny monthly fee.

Seint Artist Program 2

Seint Artist FAQ

How do I sign Up as a Seint Artist?

In order to sign up as an artist with Seint, you need to go HERE. It will first ask you if you’d like to “Enroll with Lori Warhol”. Go ahead and click that button, and then proceed to pick your artist kit.  Clicking that button means you’re signing up under me as an artist. By signing up under me, you will have the opportunity to work alongside me.

I’ve been with the company for a long time and have been acknowledged as one of their top sellers and recruiters. As you get started, my expertise in the business will prove to be a significant advantage. I have an amazing group of ladies who have joined up with me directly, and I have personally guided each of them in the profession! You will learn the ins and outs of Seint and the industry under my guidance so that you can achieve personal growth and success in your own Seint business.

Once you’re enrolled you simply choose your artist kit!

Are there any Quotas I have to meet?


No Quotas

You do not have to meet any quotas in order to remain an artist with the company. You will remain an artist as long as you continue to pay your $12.95 US | $15.95 CAD back office fee each month.

No Minimums

There are also no minimums that need to be sold in order to get paid. No matter how long a span of time goes between purchases, and no matter what the dollar amount of the purchase is, you will alwaysreceive at least 20% commission on any products purchased through your link.

No Posting Requirements

You are also not obligated to post, share, or talk about Seint a specific number of times. This is particularly relevant to Influencers who want to sign up to receive an affiliate link. How and when you decide to run your Seint business is entirely up to you, and you are under no obligation to meet any kind of posting criteria in order to maintain an active affiliate link.

What are my options for running my Seint Business?

This is your business, and you can run it any way that you like! With such a wide variety of platforms and networks out there, the possibilities are endless! Women have achieved success through one-on-one makeovers, Facebook beauty groups, at-home parties, online parties, Facebook business pages, Pinterest, personal Facebook Pages, Instagram, Youtube, Tik-Tok, blogging, etc.

Basically, where or how you choose to run and share your business is entirely up to you. Because there is no right or wrong way to do it. The key is just picking something, and then being consistent with it.

What if I do not have a background in sales or the beauty industry?


Neither one is necessary! The key to having a successful business here at Seint is to be coachable, willing to put in the time and work, and showing up for your business consistently.

What if I don’t have a big following on Social Media?


Success in this business is not determined by the size of your following. While it has the potential to help, it is not necessary in order to have a thriving business.

As an artist on my team, you will be taught how to build genuine connections, add value, and find success with or without being an influencer or “social media famous”.

Ready to sign up for the Seint Artist Program, join this incredible company and become a part of this remarkable community?

Are you ready to become a Seint Artist?  All you have to do is Join my Private group below and get in contact with me! I’m excited to help you get started on your journey! 

Click to join my private VIP Facebook Page to Learn More!